12 Zero Waste Toothpastes You Won’t Regret Trying

12 Zero Waste Toothpastes You Won’t Regret Trying

Zero waste toothpaste can provide superb dental care while helping reduce plastic trash. As you already know, typical toothpaste brands come with single-use plastic tubes and about 1.5 billion toothpaste tubes are sadly dumped in landfills every year. It’s sad to think how the product we use to clean our teeth ironically ends up polluting…

12 Best Eco-Friendly Dental Flosses in 2022

12 Best Eco-Friendly Dental Flosses in 2022

Flossing is a wasteful oral care activity since most conventional flosses are made with single-use plastic and non-biodegradable materials. The solution: Eco-friendly dental floss. And since we want to provide you with the best eco-friendly alternative to your traditional floss and flossers, we round up 12 the best eco-friendly dental flosses in the market. Rest…