13 Simple Eco-Friendly Camping Tips To Protect Nature
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Having an eco-friendly camping routine is an excellent way to take care of the ecosystems while you enjoy your outdoor adventures.
Being mindful of your actions while spending time in nature can help guarantee the survival of plants, wildlife, and natural landscapes for the next generations.
And the good news is: having an eco-friendly camping routine doesn’t have to be complicated nor an inconvenience.
Today, we will share 13 simple eco-friendly camping tips that will allow you to enjoy every moment of your camping – without harming the environment.
Are you ready to get started with the basics of becoming an eco-conscious camper?
Let’s dive right in!
1. Get eco-friendly camping gears

Unlike typical camping gears, eco-friendly camping gears are made using sustainable materials and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
Eco-friendly camping gears are also more durable and will last years if taken care of properly.
Hence, you wouldn’t need to buy another set of camping gear every time you go camping, saving you a lot of money and reducing waste bound for landfills.
Some of the best eco-friendly camping gear you can find today include eco-friendly backpacks, sustainable camping tents, and LED camping lanterns.
2. Avoid bringing camping foods in plastic packaging
Camping can be a little dull without some of your favorite camping foods.

But as much as possible, avoid packing camping foods that come in single-use plastic packaging.
Plastic trash has been a major environmental disaster in recent years.
And the sad truth is, it will continue to be the case unless we do something to help reduce plastic waste, ASAP!
And while camping seems like a harmless outdoor activity, it can be a source of plastic trash, especially from food.
So instead of bringing food in plastic, store them in multiple reusable food containers or lunch boxes.
You can then use the same food containers when eating to avoid litter from single-use plates.
3. Pack eco-friendly camping cutlery
Disposable cutlery made of plastic is among the most common plastic trash that ends in landfills, incinerators, and the ocean.
Why add more?
For your next camping trip, make sure to pack non-plastic utensils, preferably the ones you are already using at home.
If you want to have a separate cutlery set just for camping, get yourself reusable camping cutlery made of wood or bamboo.
This way, even if you accidentally left them on your camping site, they will naturally decompose and won’t litter in the environment.
4. Use eco-friendly insect repellents
Bugs and mosquitoes are a camper’s natural nemesis.
Unfortunately, most conventional insect and mosquito repellents contain toxins and pollutants like DEET that can harm you and the environment.
So what is the best way to get rid of bugs during camping outdoors?
Eco-friendly insect repellents!
This eco-friendly camping products can protect your skin from pesky bugs and nasty chemicals without harming the planet.
There are even innovative insect repellent soaps for those too lazy or too forgetful to apply insect repellents when camping.
5. Use eco-friendly camping soaps
Depending on their ingredients, dish soaps can harm the environment.
Some dish soaps contain harsh chemicals and pollutants like SLS, bleach, and dyes that contaminate nearby ecosystems.
So when camping, use zero waste dish soaps to wash plates, utensils, and cooking tools as they are guaranteed safe for you and the planet.
And when you’re camping for more than one day, there’s a good chance that you will need to wash your clothes.
Unfortunately, many laundry soaps contain harsh chemicals and will take a long time to degrade in nature.
So to be safe, pack eco-friendly and zero waste laundry soaps as well.
6. Pack zero waste personal care products
Every year, tons of plastic packaging from personal care products are discarded in nature by campers.
Whether they are left accidentally or not, the fact remains that these plastic wastes have been polluting the environment and waterways.
The solution?
Packing zero waste toiletries and personal care products when camping.
Zero waste personal care products like shampoo, deodorants, and toothpaste come in non-plastic and eco-friendly packaging.
They are also made with safe and natural ingredients that won’t pollute your surroundings and harm nearby ecosystems.
And for women, if you are camping during your time of the month, pack a menstrual cup.
This is a more eco-friendly alternative instead of relying on disposable pads that you will eventually throw away in nearby bushes.
We know that it might be a little less convenient, but it sure is less wasteful.
7. Get a high-quality cooler
A good cooler will allow you to store and preserve food and keep drinks cold while camping.
And instead of putting ice packs wrapped in single-use plastic in your cooler, there is a much more eco-friendly alternative.
Freeze water in small reusable jugs and use them instead of ice packs.
They will serve well in keeping your drinks cold and food fresh.
And once they thaw, you can drink them as cold water.
8. Practice smart water usage
We know this is a pretty obvious eco-friendly camping tip, but we would still like to mention it anyway.
Water is one of the most important resources when camping outdoors, besides food and shelter.
And as you may already know, there are millions of people somewhere in the world who have limited access to clean water.
So whether it’s to stay hydrated, to cook food, or to wash dishes and clothes, be mindful of your water usage.
Also, do not throw gray water or used water in streams and other bodies of water near your camping site.
Used water might harm animals or pollute water systems.
9. Be mindful with campfires
We understand that camping wouldn’t be complete without a campfire at night.
However, accidental camping fires can cause irreversible damage to ecosystems and wildlife habitats.
You can never be too careful when handling fire in the wild, especially if dry leaves and twigs are around.
Cook your food carefully and mind your campfire.
Also, make sure to put out any live fire before going to sleep and when leaving your camp.
10. Pack solar phone chargers

Charging your phone using grid electricity is often made possible by burning coal and other non-renewable fuel.
Needless to say, generating electricity is very taxing to our planet and is responsible for tons of carbon emissions.
An excellent opportunity to cut back on electric consumption from charging your phone would be during camping.
Solar phone chargers can charge your phone and other mobile devices by utilizing free, clean energy from the sun.
Our recommended solar phone charger comes with a built-in dual flashlight and a portable compass kit.
11. Bring trash bags
Whether you like it or not, there will be waste and trash created during your camping activities.
But instead of leaving them at your campsite, you can be more responsible and caring for the planet.
By bringing trash bags, you can take your trash with you as you leave.
You can even take it a step further!
Segregate your camping trash into recyclables, compostables, and non-biodegradables and dispose of them accordingly.
Our featured trash bag is made from plant starch material, and it completely biodegrades in nature to become an organic fertilizer.
12. Get a reusable water bottle with a filter
Do you know what would be great for camping?
Having a reusable water bottle!
Oh wait, you probably have seen this camping tip thousands of times already.
Nevertheless, a reusable water bottle is one of the best eco-friendly camping products you can invest in.
For starters, it allows you to avoid plastic bottled water.
But don’t just get any reusable water bottle.
Get one that comes with a water filter.
Reusable water bottles with filter will allow you to drink from springs and waterfalls as they can protect you from water impurities and harmful microorganisms.
It also saves you from taking a huge jug of water with you on camping, right?
13. Leave nothing but footprints…

As an outdoor camper, backpacker, or hiker, we are confident that you are familiar with the quote:
“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.”
Unfortunately, this meaningful phrase has often fallen on deaf ears.
When going camping, take measures not to harm plants and animals unnecessarily.
Keep in mind that your camping site is also home to many wildlife and that you are only a visitor.
And before leaving, make sure to clean your campsite and take all your belongings with you.
Final Thoughts
Camping may be a simple outdoor activity.
However, irresponsible camping practices can lead to destruction of natural habitats, soil erosion, and ruined vegetation.
By default, it is our responsibility to ensure the beautiful nature we currently enjoy will still exist for the next generation.
Hopefully, they will extend the same courtesy to the upcoming generations as well.
Fortunately, as you just read above, there are simple things you can do to “green” your next camping activity.
Anyways, which of the eco-friendly camping tips above do you like the most?
Do you know other camping tips that can help preserve and protect nature?